Announcing the Sygma Testnet

Building on our Devnet announcement for Sygma — the interoperability layer for building cross-blockchain applications — we’re excited to announce the next step in our journey towards mainnet: we’ve officially entered the Testnet phase!
This is a critical milestone and an opportunity for developers to play around with our UI and safely test their code. The Sygma Testnet will support ERC20, ERC721, and Generic Handler transfers on the following networks:
- Goerli (Ethereum)
- Mumbai (Polygon)
- Moonbase Alpha (Moonbeam)
Participating developers will be able to integrate the Sygma SDK into their apps and perform the operations mentioned above.
Sygma GitHub repositories and documentation pages have been updated to reflect the changes for testnet support. Users can access the Sygma UI and transfer test-ERC20 and test-ERC721 tokens to and from any of the supported networks mentioned above.
There is also a faucet for users to mint test-ERC20 and test-ERC721 tokens.
Why should you participate?👥
With more and more blockchains emerging, developers need to have the ability to communicate with the wider ecosystem. Sygma’s universal tools fill this void by offering cross-chain communication to the entire blockchain space.
We invite you to join the Sygma testnet and contribute to the vision for open, seamless, cross-chain communication. By participating in our testnet, you’ll help guide Sygma’s direction and develop one of the pillars of future blockchain infrastructure.
About Sygma
Sygma is a community-driven interoperability project. Sygma makes it possible to deploy cross-chain with minimal effort and realize new use cases via its versatile, modular protocol. With Sygma, developers can leverage a secure cross-chain communication layer to extend their applications across EVM, Substrate, and beyond.
Get involved👋
We’re always looking for contributors, and Sygma’s modular architecture is designed to foster contributions and extensions. Please check out our documentation, GitHub, or Discord to get started.
Sygma Builders Program🛠️
We’ve launched a builder program to provide technical support and monetary incentives for builders. Full details can be found 👉here.